Top Tips for Troubleshooting Your Car's Satellite Television

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If you plan to travel off-grid, the chances are high that you will lose access to many things, including a television signal. While you can do without an internet connection or running water for a couple of days, it can be challenging to keep boredom at bay. That is why most travellers prefer to install satellite television systems on their vehicles to keep up with their favourite programs while away. Unfortunately, you might occasionally experience issues with satellite television signals. This article highlights potential problems and ways to address them to achieve an uninterrupted reception.

Failing to Lock to Satellite

When looking for a television signal, a satellite dish scans for the channel with the clearest and strongest signal. However, there are instances when your system will fail to lock onto a specific channel. Consequently, it will deny you the opportunity to watch your favourite programs. In most cases, failure to lock to a channel is caused by buildings or trees that degrade TV signals. You can address the issue by moving your vehicle to an open area to improve the chances of locking to a satellite channel with clear reception.

Stuck Antenna

It is arguably the most critical part of a satellite television since it receives the signals. However, for an antenna to lock to the right satellite, it must rotate unhindered. Therefore, it does not matter how you park your vehicle because the antenna will always find the right channel. However, it can be a problem if an antenna occasionally gets stuck at a specific spot while rotating. The issue is usually caused by an open roof hatch or rusting fasteners. Please solve the problem by uninstalling the satellite receiver and reinstalling it further away from a roof hatch to prevent the accessory from blocking the antenna's path while scanning. If corroded fasteners are the problem, remove them, clean the area, and install new screws. This ensures that an antenna rotates smoothly as it scans for a TV station to lock on.

Picture Freezing or Pixelation

Frozen television images are annoying and can be caused by various issues. For instance, heavy rainfall or accumulation of snow on an antenna can interfere with satellite signals and cause the reception to freeze occasionally. You can wait for the rain to stop or clear out the snow to restore reception. Damaged cables can also cause frozen images. Therefore, examine the entire cabling, especially at the bends, and replace wires with signs of wear.

For more information, contact a SatKing service.

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